The way to get flat lower abs has two stages:
Burn the lower belly fat to allow the muscle tissue below to show. Do effective lower ab exercises to make your lower belly more toned and firm.
Fast Fat Burner
To burn lower stomach fat you can't do targeted exercises since you can't reduce fat from a specific body part this way. You need to burn fat in general and it will also melt away from your lower tummy.
To burn lower belly fat you need to do 3 things:
Do intensive cardio workouts such as running, rowing, cycling, rock climbing, kickboxing, and so on. These help you to burn a lot of fat and improve your overall fitness. You need to make sure that all your cardiovascular workouts are intensive and hard as it also means that they're burning a lot of flab from your body and that you're getting good results for your time. Do full body exercises that are difficult and challenging to make you boost your metabolism and burn more fat. I like exercises like squats, lunges, dumbbell swings, push-ups, back dumbbell rows, and any combination of strength exercises like squats with dumbbell swings, push-ups and knee to chest jumps, and so on. Basically, intensive strength exercises can burn more lower abs fat than cardio does. Follow a healthy eating plan to make sure you're giving your body the energy it needs to workout well but does not push more fat into it one way while you're burning it in another.
If you follow the above mentioned fat burning tips, you will see results on your entire body and your lower tummy as well. Once you melt away some of the fat you can continue with the toning process by doing focused lower ab exercises such as:
1. Reverse crunches - Lie on the floor with your knees bent and arms stretched out along the sides of your body. Raise your knees and by contracting your abs, bring them toward your torso. You should lift your buttocks and lower back while doing the motion, but keep your head down on the floor.
2. Scissors - Lie on the floor with outstretched legs. Raise both legs 5 inches off the ground. Criss-cross your legs in a scissors like motion rapidly, moving one foot over the other in midair and rotate between them. All the while, make sure your lower back is firmly on the floor and your abs are the only thing keeping your legs in the air.
3. Hanging leg raises - Hang down from an overhead bar with outstretched arms. Bend your knees and bring them toward your chest. This is one of the hardest lower ab exercises I know of, so try the other two first and see how you do.
By burning fat first and toning second, you have the best chance of getting a flat lower belly fast.